Verdantix Says AT&T And Sprint Beat International Competitors In The US Sustainable Telecoms Market
AT&T leads the US sustainable telecoms market in customer offerings and Sprint in corporate sustainability performance, according to a new study from independent analyst firm Verdantix. The report, Green Quadrant Sustainable Telecoms 2012, analyzes the sustainable telecoms offering and corporate sustainability performance of the twelve largest telecoms service providers in the US. The study's conclusions are as well based on interviews with buyers of telecoms services representing firms with earnings of over $316 billion.
Eleven categories of telecoms solutions linked to energy and environment are covered in this report as part of sustainable telecoms: video collaboration, web/online collaboration, sustainable hosting, cloud computing, sustainability consulting, smart meters and other remote monitoring solutions, intelligent building solutions, fleet telematics, telecommuting, sustainable equipment and handsets and sustainable vertical market solutions.
The strong performance from AT&T
Despite the strong performance from AT&T, Sprint and Verizon, these firms have not but put sustainability central to their business strategy and product marketing in the way that European telcos have started to do. This may be because they do not think US telecoms buyers are as sustainability-aware as their European counterparts. Nevertheless, the tide is changing. Depending on the category of telecoms solution, between 13% and 35% of panel respondents consider sustainability to be the primary purchase driver ahead of cost savings, efficiency, productivity and brand enhancement.
"The US telecoms sector needs to get a better grip on the energy and environmental challenges facing their future growth plans" commented Verdantix Senior Manager, Janet Lin. "Telcos face a carbon emissions boom from the exponential growth in bandwidth required by smart phones and their investments in cloud computing. Without a strong energy efficiency and CO2 reduction plan, telecoms providers will face the wrath of Greenpeace and other campaign-based environmental NGOs. The divergent reputations of Google and Facebook on environmental management should act as a warning to lagging US telcos."
The fastest-growing
Verdantix is the fastest-growing, independent analyst firm focused on energy, environment and sustainability. Through our global primary technology and deep domain expertise we provide our customers with strategic advice, revenue generating services, best practice frameworks, industry connections and competitive advantage. For more information visit: www.verdantix.com.
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