Lorton Data Announces Partnership with Krengeltech Through A-Qua⢠Integration into DocuMailer
Lorton Data, a leader in data driven marketing services, announced it has joined forces with Krengeltech, a custom software solutions and internet applications developer, to integrate its A-Qua platform within Krengeltech's DocuMailer. Through the partnership, Krengeltech's DocuMailer and IBM i user base will now have postal mailing data preparation capabilities completely incorporated within a variable data document imaging and design solution.
The IBM i community has a passionate
"The IBM i community has a passionate and loyal following. Since the development of our RPG-XML Suite software, we have been known as the independent software vendor who facilitates seamless cloud communications to and from the IBM i server. Lorton Data's research speaks for itself. Developing a tight integration between Lorton Data, IBM i, and DocuMailer just made sense," said Jeff Skistad, Krengeltech Sales and Marketing Director.
Lorton Data provides, manages, and analyzes individual, household, and business data. Our cloud-based A-Qua⢠solutions, and expert assisted A-View⢠services, enable organizations to create and maintain profitable interactions with their target audience. Lorton Data's strategic approach, extensive capabilities, and renowned customer service result in higher returns on marketing investment.
Independent software vendor
Krengeltech is an independent software vendor and IBM business partner. Sold through an active reseller community, Krengeltech software solutions meet business challenges associated with mailing automation, cloud-computing integrations, workflow automation and variable data document design.
Krengeltech's diverse professional services team has the in-house skill sets required to streamline near any complex business process.