Nimbuzz Claims To Be First "Indian" Internet Company To Get 100M Users
You have to marvel at the audacity of this: Nimbuzz, a mobile messaging company which has only recently shifted base to India, is now claiming to be the first “Indian” Internet company to get 100M users.However isn’t Google India Pvt Ltd as well an India registered company? Don’t they have over 100 million users? Is Nimbuzz actually the first? Can Facebook India lay claim to being the first “Indian” Internet company to have 955 million monthly active users. It’s just positioning from Nimbuzz, the body text of whose mail clarifies that it’s the “first India-headquartered internet company to cross the 100 million user landmark”. So they might be right, even though this PR-speak does sound to put it more exactly desperate. What’s going on? Raising funds?
Nimbuzz is among several p2p messaging apps out there, except that it as well allows p2p calling over the mobile Internet, and integrates MSN, GTalk, Yahoo, social networks just as Facebook and Twitter, and is available across platforms. Note that if Nimbuzz, as an Indian company, allows termination of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) on mobile and telephone networks in India, it would, as an Indian company, violate India’s policy onVoIP. Read that here.
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Nimbuzz Voip
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Nimbuzz 100m India
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