Free Cell Phones, Voice & Text 4 Low-Income
What many people don’t know is that free cell phones with voice and text are available in over 35 states through the federal Lifeline program to low-income households.
These free cell phones can be used for finding work and keeping in touch with loved ones and family. Unlike landline service there are no startup fees. There are as well no activation fees.
There are three programs that offer this service Assurance Wireless, Life Wireless and Safelink Wireless. Low-income families of military personnel may as well quality for free cell phones. Most people who are on public assistance qualify for the programs. Assurance Wireless offers the most free text messages and minutes during Safelink and Life Wireless are about the same allotment. Virgin Mobile is part of the Sprint network which runs Assurance Wireless. Life Wireless uses a SIM card permanently it uses either the AT&T network or T-Mobile. During Safelink is part of Tracfone. If all three services are offered in your state check for coverage in your area to help you decide which plan to apply for.
Assurance Wireless is not the only provider of free cell phones for low-income households, to read our how-to article. Safelink Wireless from Tracfone offers the Safelink Wireless program offers three plans:
Life Wireless offers free and discounted mobile phone service to eligible low-income families and individuals in nine states - Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Rhode Island, and West Virginia, as so then as Puerto Rico. Information at www.lifewireless.com. If you have aSIM phone just as the iPhone you can use it with their service. NO DATA included.
There is no free cell phone Lifeline service for low-income households in 15 non-participating states that include Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.
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