A Startup Founder's Experience With AngelPad Accelerator
AngelPad was started in 2010 by a group of ex-Googlers committed to helping research companies succeed while some of their most formative periods pre-funding. Founder Thomas Korte had been angel investing for some time and wanted to get furthermore involved with his companies. In a few short years, AngelPad has climbed to be ranked the #4 global incubator by Forbes and has helped companies raise over $25 million in funding.
The people i've met through Angelpad
I have no doubt that all the people i've met through Angelpad, past, present and future will be mover and shakers in and out of the tech community. During founders ranged in age, background, and industry, one thing was clear: every single person, no matter how accomplished, was incredibly down-to-earth and willing to help each other out.
Together with his wife and AngelPad partner, Carine Magescas, they fed us, clothed us, sheltered us and taught us. It was clear that they wanted every single one of us to succeed and put the time into getting us there. Beyond these one-on-ones, we as well had a vast network of allies which included many of the who's who in Silicon Valley at our finger tips for lectures, calls, and private one-on-one feedback sessions.
Though Piggybackr had spent several months prior to AngelPad doing customer development, building a prototype and getting our first users, there were moments while the program where I felt like we were back at square one re-evaluating the very assumptions our entire business was built upon. It was difficult at that time, however was hugely important to take a step back early on to evaluate whether you're building a big company that has disruptive potential.
AngelPad is not for everyone. If you want people to pat you on the back and tell you you're good, at the time it's not for you. However if you are a founder committed to building a successful and scalable research company, willing do whatever it takes, adapt to feedback, and focus on moving forward through all the ups and downs, at once it's hugely helpful.
The guest blogger
About the guest blogger: Andrea Lo is Co-Founder and of Piggybackr, a fundraising platform that teaches young people how to raise money and connect with sponsors by using research and business skills. She has been fundraising since she was 7 years-old. Andrea speaks on topics of youth empowerment, entrepreneurship, and fundraising. She is a recent graduate of the AngelPad accelerator, a mentorship program founded by Thomas Korte and other ex-Googlers to help startups. Follow her on Twitter at @andreatlo.
The mission of Women 2.0 is to increase the number of female founders of research startups. Women 2.0 enables entrepreneurs with a network, resources and knowledge to take your startup from idea to launch. Follow Women 2.0 on Twitter at @women2 or check out www.women2.com.
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