Cloud control is key to the future of the internet
Manuel Castells, the leading scholar of cyberspace, has coined a neat term to describe our current mental state in relation to the internet: "informed bewilderment". More...

Chrome OS computers excel at speed
The first thing to know about these machines is they lack regular hard drives for storage. There's a small amount of flash memory available, the kind you'd find on a camera memory card, nevertheless Chrome OS machines are designed for the cloud. More...

Former and current chief charged with stealing more than $40
Trooper Kelly said the overbilling is believed to have originated as some sort of agreement with borough business manager Tom Loftus, who was not investigated because he died in December 2009. More...

NoSQL Rebels Aim Missile at Larry Ellison's Yacht
It’s not time for Oracle CEO Larry Ellison to sell his yacht. Meanwhile not but. Although leading NoSQL database MongoDB is the second most in-demand research skill on In actual fact. More...

Free Cell Phones, Voice & Text 4 Low-Income
What many people don’t know is that free cell phones with voice and text are available in over 35 states through the federal Lifeline program to low-income households. More...

Windows 8 Turns Microsoft Focus to Cloud
Microsoft is making significant efforts towards curing a leadership position as a cloud-computing services provider, and the company's announcement of Office 2013 is a key milestone. More...

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Powers Europe's Fastest Supercomputer
Today, Europe's most powerful supercomputer was officially inaugurated by IBM while a ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Garching, Germany. More...

CIDG busts Cebu ring selling fake Viagra online
MANILA, Philippines- The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group is warning the public against buying drugs online afterwards its agents recently busted a ring in Mandaue City, Cebu involved in the sale of fake Viagra over the Internet. More...

Last hurrah for Clovis barbecue restaurant
the face of the business who appeared in the restaurant's wacky TV commercials -- died in April. His wife, co-owner Kim Walton, has decided to close the restaurant however continue the couple's catering business. More...

Apple, Samsung Wage Patent War in Courtrooms Around the World
Apple and Samsung continue to swap legal blows with varying degrees of effectiveness in their relentless global war over alleged patent infringement. More...