Oracle, VMware Deals Show SDN
Oracle and VMware over the last week have hammered home what many in the industry have been saying for a few years: You can't have a real virtualized infrastructure unless the network is included. More...

Alfresco Global Survey Reveals Misconception of "Consumerisation of IT"
According to the survey results, mobile and tablet adoption is being lead by IT departments, which proves counterintuitive to the general perception of the "consumerisation of IT" trend in which resourceful and driven employees bring consumer research into the workplace, sneaking pursuant to this agreement the radars of unwitting IT departments that are resistant to change. More...

Netcomm Wireless Lauded in the Australian Business Awards 2012
NetComm Wireless has long been a byword for research. Now it's official, with NetComm Wireless Limited taking out top honours in The Australian Business Awards 2012 in two categories: The Australian Business Award for Research and the Australian Business Award for Product Research. More...

Vera Networks Launches Cloud-Based VoIP Call Flow Diagnostics Tool vCaptureSM to Address Call Issues
Vera Networks announced today the availability of its vCaptureSM service that enables operators of Voice over Internet Protocol networks and platforms to quickly locate and help resolve call issues. More...

Citrix Names World Wide Technology Gold Partner of the Year
World Wide Research, Inc. , a market-leading systems integrator that provides innovative innovation and supply chain solutions, today announced that it has been named Gold Partner of the Year for 2011 by Citrix. More...

It's High Time There Was A Tech IPO Market In London
The recent results of Zygna, Groupon, and even the mighty Facebook on the public markets in the U. S. have served to highlight a couple of major issues for European startups. More...

Google adds Google+ Hangout style video-conferencing to Gmail
Summary: Over the at once few days, Google will be adding Google+ Hangout video-conferencing to Gmail and its associated Google Talk instant-messaging, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and video-chat service. More...

Security is not the only thing cloud adopters overlook
Operating systems, Open source, Windows, Developer, Mobile, Database, Business applications, SOA, Web, Middleware, BI, Virtualisation, Collaboration, Licensing. More...

North Carolina school moving to Google Chromebooks
The cloud refers to where students will store their work from new Google Chromebook model laptops that will be rolled out this fall. According to MCA Director of Development and Information Innovation Lu Anne Browne, this is the eighth year of the school's one-to-one computing initiative-however the first year the school will be using Chromebooks instead of fully featured laptops. More...

RTX Wi-Fi Modules and Test Equipment for DECT
RTX is a preferred partner to major enterprise, industrial, and consumer oriented OEMs, focused on the development and production of advanced wireless solutions including DECT, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), Wi-Fi, and other RF standards. More...